The 3R in our case stands for reduce, reuse and recycle. These are the pillars of circular economy, living in harmony with our enironment and sustainable living.

This is an International project that involves 5 partners from 5 countries (Czech Republic, Spain, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland) who share the same vision and united to act upon it together. This common goal is to raise awareness on environmental issues, develop and provide change-making tools and resources and influence people in a positive way to contribute ro a clean healthy and sustainable envieonment. Throughout the project we conduct a research, develop training content, make and share podcasts and video materials as well as we share other relevant information.

You can find further information about the initiative below and the developed matarials under the "videos and podcasts" and "training materials" tab.




The project aims to develop tools based on the 3R's approach to allow the empowerment of the non-informed people.
The project addresses the main problem of our society now namely climate change and shows the activities which can be taken now by the people in European countries. This training content will let the target group achieve new knowledge and skills.

Moreover, the project will improve the awareness of the importance of the clean environment and encourage target's group participants to develop their competences.







The project aims to encurage participation in zero-waste lifestyle to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, deviating the amount of materials and resources in order to re-use them and include them in recycling schemes. We want to empower local communities to rethink their relationship with resources by supporting them with independent knowledge and streamlined tools to drive change more efficiently.





The primary target groups are young adults in the age 18-29. We focus mostly on them to introduce them good practices and foster an improvement in their environmental awareness and life standards.

The secondary target groups are adult education and training providers, policy makers and public authorities at European, national and local levels.

The problem of waste concerns all the EU and also associated countries, so it requires transnational approach.



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